SOME 12-18 MONTHS AGO, an arrangement with Digital Traction resulted in Steam Sounds Supreme taking ownership of their Bulleid Light Pacific. At the time, our intention was to re-release the pack on our website ASAP. However, due to many unforeseen circumstances, the pack had to go very much onto the back burner. But now, we're pleased to say, the pack has been reactivated. Please read on to find out what our plans are for the Bulleid Light Pacific:
A Change In Contents
Many will remember our promise - all owners of the Bulleid Light Pacific Enhancement Pack would get the Light Pacific re-release for free. Well, we're pleased to say that that is still going to be the case! However, due to a significant increase in content, the pack will now be split into two parts - 'Preservation' and 'Working Days'.
Preservation Pack
This pack will contain all the original contents from the Digital Traction Light Pacific pack - Tangmere, Wadebridge, Blackmoor Vale and 92 Squadron. In addition to this, added to the collection will be: 34105 Swanage, 34072 257 Squadron, 34070 Manston and, as illustrated above, 34081 92 Squadron, in early British Railways malachite green livery. This pack will be released first, and will be FREE to all who purchased the Light Pacific Enhancement Pack.
An updated version of Tangmere |
'Working Days' Pack
The 'Working Days' Pack will be pack 2. It will go on sale at a reduced price, and you will require the Preservation Pack for it to work. It will contain a selection of Bulleid's in various guises, representing the liveries carried by the Light Pacifics back in the steam era.
Also included will be two 'what if' liveries. Some Merchant Navies were painted in experimental liveries, immediately post nationalization. Two such liveries are depicted, but of course, on the Light Pacific. The Light Pacifics never carried any of these experimental liveries.
The contents are still coming together, so the above will be added to you, and we have only displayed a small selection of what has been produced so far!
We'd like to take this opportunity to thank Ben Booth for the work he is doing, as well as Will Cook and Andy Woodberry.
More Soon. . . . . . . . . . .